Villa Castagnola
Grand Hotel Lugano
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Sala delle Palme

The pearl of our conference facilities, the Sala delle Palme, looks out onto an exotic palm garden, hence the name. This opulent room boasts such treasures as  a set of 19th-century carved wooden doors from Afghanistan. The whole has an elegant, modern feel, marrying Eastern splendour with high-tech capabilities.


Lorem ipsum dolor 1 Lorem ipsum dolor 2 Lorem ipsum dolor 2 Lorem ipsum dolor 2
40 44 70 110


Lenght Width Height Area
15.5 10.0 4.1 155.0


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Technical equipment

Equipment Cost
LCD Projector (fix) 200.- CHF
Microphones 50.- CHF p.
Lectern (120cm x 50cm) 100.- CHF
Podium (6m x 3m) 250.- CHF
PC (Laptop) 50.- CHF
TV & DVD player 100.- CHF
Conference box 40.- CHF
Conference phone 40.- CHF
Colorful LED light 25.- CHF p.
Screen (5m x 4m) -
Flipchart / Pinboard -
Laser printer On request
Daily room rental cost 1500.- CHF